Gambia: Let's Shun Politics of Tribalism Politics-Politics | Society news
The Daily Observer (Banjul)
Daily Observer
26 August 2011
Politics is a science of the state. As such, genuine politics should have nothing to do with individual sentiments; rather it aims at addressing a common objective, since it involves those responsible for decision-making. In any political jurisdiction, there are bound to be differences in terms of political affiliations.
This is a fundamental characteristic of a democratic society. However, it is important to note that genuine politics calls for putting national interest above personal gains.
In a democratic society, politics is a service of representation and the opposition constructively engages the ruling party in dialogue so that collectively they can address socio-economic concerns.
And when such concerns are addressed, what is expected of a genuine opposition is to acknowledge this, hence rally behind the status quo. President Jammeh made no mistake in describing the Gambian opposition as not genuine and engaging in politics of tribalism.
They are only hellbent on condemning the government and never acknowledge achievements wherever they are registered. Of course, we know that some people who were in the opposition have seen the light and switched allegiance to the ruling party. The fact that many people on a daily basis switch allegiance to the APRC is proof that the party has not departed from its mission statement, which is reconstruction and re-orientation.
Whatever the case may be, President Jammeh is dedicated to the development of this country and no measure of distraction would make him capitulate before the forces of retrogression.
We should join hands to build the nation, irrespective of our political differences. Regardless of our political affiliations, it is The Gambia that we look up to anywhere we are in this world; this is why the president often calls on the citizenry to rally round a common front for progress and development.
Every sober-minded person is aware that under President Jammeh and the APRC, there has been a proliferation of development in all sectors in the country. There has been no marginalisation in terms of people accessing and benefiting from the development projects.
It is therefore in the best interest of patriotism and nationalism for each and every Gambian to cement loyalty to the state and continue to rally behind the leadership that is struggling to emancipate this country from the relics of colonialism.
The fact that President Jammeh continues to call on Gambians to rally behind a common front for development is enough justification to argue that he is that type of leader who has at the core of his governance agenda the need for the fulfilment of the needs and aspirations of the people.
Much more, genuine politics calls for the mobilisation of the citizenry to complement the efforts of the leadership in the development of the state. Let us shun tribal politics.
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Tags: Gambia, Let's, Politics, Shun, Tribalism
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